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Are You Suffering From Sleep Disorder? If Yes, Try These Remedies.

We are all aware of the story of a man who counts sheep as he is not getting any sleep. Being insomniac is very common these days. Here is why you should consider running to ENT clinic of Utah 

One out of four adults reported moderate insomnia in a recent Harvard survey. The failure to fall asleep may be the product of a short-term problem or harmful lifelong sleep patterns. Anyway, it can't be fixed by eating sleeping pills.

Why Does One Suffer From Sleep Disorders?

Insomnia may be temporary — or chronic. Yet it's never fun, no matter how long you'll have to deal with it.

Sleeplessness or insomnia is a common sleeping disorder that prevents a person from falling asleep. People with this condition are not sleeping enough, and often when they are awake, they do not feel refreshed. A lack of sound sleep accompanies many issues such as fatigue, difficulties at concentrating, mood fluctuations, and decreased work efficiency.

The definition of sleeplessness varies from person to person. However, much of the time, insomnia is due to stress, pain, or changes in the sleep cycle. Only therapy can deal with chronic insomnia, but short-term insomnia is not so severe.

Most of us will suffer a brief, unpleasant bout of insomnia at some point or another. It also results either in depression or natural transition (e.g., new work arrangements or the birth of a baby) or sleeping medications like antidepressants, blood pressure medications, allergy drugs, and corticosteroids. The good thing is that you usually get back on your sleep routine before you find a way to cope.

What Is A Sleep Disorder? When To Contact A Doctor?

But many times, insomnia can become something of a long-term nature. It may also happen as a result of a more severe state of health, such as depression, anxiety, or apnea of sleep. Many times, insomnia can result from lousy sleep habits, such as eating too many heavy snacks in front of the bed, sleeping in an uncomfortable environment, or spending all night glued to your smartphone or tablet.

Anyway, losing out on sleep leaves you feeling tired, irritable, and utterly unable to function during the day. And over time, it may threaten you with health problems such as obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes. If you do not feel comfortable, then it is best to contact a doctor (there are many ENT  specialists in Utah) and get rid of your problem.

Should One Take Sleep Medicines To Get Rid Of Sleep Disorder?

Sleeping pills and other medicines that encourage sleep may provide a short-term solution to a temporary bout of insomnia. And use them for loads of people. Yet sometimes prescribed sleep aids are followed by uncomfortable side effects such as headaches, sore muscles, constipation, dry mouth, daytime fatigue, concentration issues, dizziness, and more. Sum them all up, and they're just as bad — if not worse — than sleep deprivation for your garden variety.

Even so, even though you're one of the lucky few who don't suffer side effects from taking sleeping pills, you're probably not going to benefit long. Most people can gain immunity to the sedative effects of sleeping medicines. It either means you'll need to take higher and higher doses to get the same effect, or they'll stop working altogether.

Let’s Take A Look At Ways To Cure Sleep Disorder Without Medicines

Do not want to take medicines for your sleep disorder; then you must contact a doctor and discuss this case with him. Also, you can try out several other alternatives to get rid of this problem. 

  • Improve Your Daytime Routine: Regardless of your sleep issues, adhering to a consistent sleep schedule, daily exercise, restricting your consumption of caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine, and controlling stress, can result in better long-term sleep.
  • Keep track of Your Sleep Routine: To prepare your mind and body for sleep, build a soothing bedtime routine. Make sure your bedroom is quiet, dark and comfortable, stop big meals and too many fluids late at night, take a warm bath, read or listen to soothing music and turn off the screens at least one hour before bedtime.
  • Go Back To Sleep When You Awake At Night: If you are having a sleep disorder or not, waking up briefly during the night is natural. If you have trouble going back to sleep, try to concentrate on your breathing, meditation, or another calming technique. Remember something that concerns you, and plan to avoid worrying about it until the next day when it's easier to solve.
  • Take A Warm Bath: Soaking yourself in a warm bath after a long and tiring day will not only calm you but will also help induce sleep. Taking a warm bath two hours before going to bed gives the body a chance to cool off and also stimulates nighttime sleep.
  • Opt For A Massage: Massage therapy is the most effective method for relaxing the body and mind. Taking massage at night decreases the sense of discomfort, anxiety, and depression and improves sleep quality. Taking a massage from a specialist isn't important at all, you can do it at home yourself.
  • Take Warm Milk With Honey: Go back to the good old days and drink your honey with a cup of warm milk. The mixture of milk and honey is the perfect sleep inducer and has long been studied. Milk contains tryptophan amino acid, which increases the amount of a hormone that acts as a natural sedative.
  • Take Magnesium Supplements: Magnesium is an essential mineral that is good for health. It helps calm the muscle and soothes tension levels. Research showed it supports good sleep habits, too. You may either get a magnesium substitute in your bath water or apply one cup of magnesium powder to it.

Avoid taking nicotine, caffeine, and alcohol consumption at night before bedtime. Eat a small meal in the evening, preferably at least two hours before bedtime. Stay away from the screen time until bedtime. These are some quick tips that can help you in getting rid of sleep disorders, and if still, you feel uncomfortable, then you should contact a doctor and get yourself examined. So, if you are looking for the specialist to treat your sleep disorder, there is no better place than ENT specialist in Utah